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Blue Ceramics

Morphing Ceramics for Seagrass Meadow Restoration

Hybrid Open Lab Session
Tuesday, Oct 5, 2021 @ 1:00 pm
In-person @ Morphing Matter Lab, Newell Simon Hall 3612

Blue Ceramics Team
Rachel Arredondo - CMU MHCI 2021, Kylon Chiang - CMU MHCI 2021, Ofri Dar - Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Industrial Design 2022

Nature Centered Design: Our team aims to support seagrass conservation actions by designing interventions that support restoration efforts to rehabilitate or protect seagrass meadows.

Blue Carbon: Seagrass meadows are twice as efficient as forests at capturing and storing carbon. But over the last two decades 18% of Eel grass (zostera marina) meadows, the dominant seagrass in the northern hemisphere, have disappeared.

Morphing Ceramics: As part of a holistic approach, we are in the process of designing morphing ceramic structures that can serve multiple environmental purposes as they decay naturally and harmlessly over time.

This project is partially supported by Carnegie Mellon’s Berkman Faculty Development Fund grant, and could have been impossible without the generous help of the following people:

Eran Sharon’s Lab, HUJI: Prof. Eran Sharon; Dr. Arielle Blonder

Fireborn Studios: Dan Vito; Donna Hetrick; Bennett

Morphing Matter Lab - Carnegie Mellon University: Prof. Lining Yao; Dinesh Patel & Jianzhe Gu & Kexin Lu

Bezalel Academy of Art and Design ; Noam Dover ; Prof. Haim Parnes

Marine Biologists: Dr. Abbey Engelman; Jeffery Good

Seagrass Marine Biologists: Dr. Emmett Duffy ; Dr. Jessie Jarvis, UNCW

June 4

Abbey Engleman

February 8

Ozgun Kilic Afsar