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Abbey Engleman

Dr. Abbey Engleman is a marine scientist who previously conducted research on coral reef ecology and restoration. Her research used emerging 3D technologies to decouple the structural and biotic contributions of coral to coral reef ecosystems. She remains passionate about the multifaceted applications of 3D and digital technologies to help us understand our planet. She is currently serving as a Fellow at the Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife of U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Natural Resources

Talk Title: 3D Sea and Biomimicry: Growing Need for Intersectional Ecologists

We as humans have a heavy dependence on goods and services marine systems provide, but our ocean's masking surface and challenging conditions distance us from the vibrant ecosystems lying beneath. Understanding these ecosystems is critical to sustaining our livelihoods, sustenance, and way of life. Emerging technologies and biomimicry present exciting opportunities to remove the ocean's veil by embracing new, 'intersectional ecology.' Better yet, these tools allow us to share the oceans beyond academia, helping us foster appreciation for the 71% of our planet hidden in plain sight.

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April 2

Clemens Winkler

October 5

Blue Ceramics